If you hire one of the beautiful Charlotte escorts or want to explore anal sex with your partner, there are some things you should know to do it right:
• It should not hurt. If anal sex is done correctly, it should not hurt in any way. However, if you have hemorrhoids or digestive problems, do not try it. As a base rule, use a lot of lube because the anus does not lubricate itself.
• The anus will not ‘stretch out.’ There is a misconception that you will stretch the anal muscles. This is not the case because the muscles are capable of stretching and getting back to normal, whether you are accommodating a penis or sex toys.
• It causes orgasms because the anal region is in a plentiful supply of nerves. Additionally, clitoral stimulation or vaginal penetration can lead to orgasm.
• Start slowly. For first-timers, trying anal sex after you have climaxed is highly recommended because the body has already relaxed. Also, starting slowly is vital to avoid causing pain or being rough on your sex partner. You may fail to penetrate at once, but patience and starting slow will make everything better.
• Communication is vital. It would be best if you communicated with your partner to determine how to go about it. First, explain everything to your partner in detail and then ask any questions if you are not sure. When penetrating him or her, using a sex toy first with a lot of lube is recommended. If your partner is uncomfortable, listen, and try to find a solution.
• Use a condom. Using a condom can prevent infections while making it easy for your partner to penetrate. Remember, you should not penetrate the vaginal region using the same condom (you used in the anal area) to avoid spreading the bacteria (increasing the risk of infections).
• Finally, try to use a toy to ease penetration and explore what works for your partner. Researching and watching videos is also helpful, especially if you are new in this field.
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